Thursday, June 29, 2006

Marty Casey Rocks!

I've been watching the Rockstar series again since Debbie gave me a copy and what I've come to realize is that I really really want to see Marty Casey and the Lovehammers live again. I've had Lovehammers and INXS songs stuck in my head for two days since I've been watching the show. Here's my 10 random IPOD songs. More proof my IPOD and I are totally in sync.

1. Don't Change - INXS
2. Girlfriend - Nsync
3. In the City -Joe Walsh
4. Need you Tonight - INXS
5. Touch the Sky - Kayne West
6. I Drive Myself Crazy - Nsync
7. Call of Distress - Lovehammers
8. US - INXS w/Dave Navarro & Rockstars
9. American Woman - The Guess Who
10. Youth of the Nation - P.O.D

Pretty weird huh? I told you my IPOD knows me!

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