Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Justin or not Justin

Riley knows her fair share of Children's songs (yankee doodle, wheels on the bus, ring around the rosie, etc.) but when it comes to pop music Riley understands two distinct genres of music, Justin and Not Justin, as in Justin Timberlake or Not Justin Timberlake. This has been fine, Justin comes on the radio and Riley says "Another Justin" and then proceeds quickly with "Dance Mommy.... Dance!" And we dance together in the car.  These two distinct genres pose a small problem with songs like Timbaland's "Give it to me". How could only part of the song be Justin. It's got to be either Justin or Not Justin.  Doug, Riley, and I were in the car last night and "Give it to me" comes on. I explain that this particular song is very confusing to Riley, she doesn't get that only part of the song is Justin. Doug says, "There's one way to remedy that" Doug proceeds to change the radio station. I complain and his reasoning is "I'm just trying to help our daughter, I don't want her confused"  

I had to laugh even though I was mad he turned Justin off.

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