Monday, June 30, 2008
scrap your childhood
When thinking about this topic the very first thing that came to mind is the Dairy Creme. When I was a teenager we used to go there just about every night. Before any of us could drive we would walk there in the summer(it was only open during the summer months). It was about a 1 1/4 mile walk from my friend B's house where we used to gather for the night. Once we got there, if we were eating dinner, I'd order and hamburger and french fry with a rootbeer float with chocolate ice cream. If it was just ice cream it would always be the rootbeer float. I remember the food used to be really good there. At this age, I must have been 14 or 15 when we used to do this, my curfew was to be home when the street lights turned on. We planned it so that we would have just enough time to walk to the Dairy Creme and then back to sit in the park and hang out with friends. At the time, there used to be a fast food type restaurant, I think it was called Speedies, across the street from the park where we would sit and we used to stop in there a lot also. We never ordered more than french fries there and most times we didn't order anything. My cousin worked there so we'd always stop in to see him.
I don't have many other memories of stores or restuarants that I went to as a young child. I remember vaguely that there used to be a bakery across the street from our house and it cost 25 cents for a Bavarian Creme donut. Whenever my Dad was home with me, I'd always ask to walk over and get one. I was young enough at the time where he didn't like me walking around by myself too much. He would sit in his screen house reading his New York Post newspaper and I would walk over and get a 25 cent Bavarian Creme donut. I also used to like to go to the 5 and dime store on Main Street. I think I used to buy candy there, Ring Pops and Fun Dip mostly.
And then lastly, The Great American, the local grocery store where my mom worked. I'd go there ALL the time. At one point about around the same time as the Dairy Creme trips there was an older boy working there that both my friend B and I thought was really cute. He worked the night shift and so we'd go in all the time to see him. My mom hated it because she didn't like me hanging out and causing trouble at her place of work. The two of us used to hang out there so much the boy used to call us the Lot Lizards which at the time we thought was the coolest thing, but really its not so nice. B liked it so much she eventually got a tattoo of a lizard. At the time there was also another boy that used to hang out with us alot, I forget, but he had a nickname too relating to the whole lot lizard thing. I eventually went to prom with this boy, but I'll save that for another story.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Everyday Life and Childhood Memories

I've been thinking alot lately about my childhood memories. Lately, I've been seeing alot of scrapbook pages and blogs about things your mom used to say, or memories from childhood, etc. I feel like I have no memories, I mean I have memories about my childhood, but I don't feel like I have those meaningful stories, life lessons and awesome words of wisdom from my parents that most people seem to have. It's starting to really bother me. Why can't I remember things my Mom used to say or things my Parent's used to do all the time? They are amazing parents so why don't I have these types of memories? I know I must have them, but how do I pull them out, how do I remember them or how do I better convey the memories I have? Maybe that's my problem? I wish I could sit down and write a detailed recount of interesting things that happened in my childhood like this guy. Or why don't I have a scrapbook page all about my mom's words of wisdom like on page 35 of the July Scrapbooks, etc? I want those things, but everytime I try to think about it, I got nothing?
I remember the time I made my mom so mad once she pushed me up against the back door, but I don't remember what I did? I remember my dad worked late alot and everynight no matter what my mom was doing she'd sit in the kitchen with him while he ate his dinner and they'd talk. I remember that my brother and I used to fight, A lot, so much it would make my mom nervous leaving us alone. We'd call her all the time at work. My dad can't turn down stuff. He'll pick uneaten food out of the garbage (at home only) and eat it. He'll pick anything up off the street. We joke about it all the time, how he'll ask Mom to stop the car so he can get that sock laying on the side of the road. I told my brother when he was about 3 or so that he'd played basketball and love it and he told me he never would, that he hated it. I remember my Dad made the best snowmen, he'd collect aftershave bottle tops for eyes and a nose. I have a lot of photos of us making snowmen together. I remember my senior year I got drunk on a school night and had a terrible hangover, puking, and the works and my mom forced me to go to school, but I don't remember what she said to me. So I have memories, lots of them I could go on forever, or moments, but I don't seem to have memories of conversations, I wonder why?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Quotable Riley
Me: Riley, are you going to give Papa a hug and kiss bye. We are going home now.
Riley: No
Me: Are you sure? He really would like a hug.
Riley: I'm too old to hug
Me: You're never to old to hug.
Riley: Yes, I'm too old!!
In her bedroom
Me: I hear Nyssa barking she wants to come in. Let's get up and go downstairs and let her in.
Riley: That's not going to happen.
In the toy store:
Riley: Let's go see the bikes
Me: Okay, want to try this one? (a 12inch bike with training wheels)
Riley: Yeah sure
Me: look you're peddling that one. Cool. Do you like it?
Riley: Yeah I do
Me: Do you want to buy it?
Riley: No
Me: Are you sure? Wouldn't it be cool to have a bike at home to ride?
Riley: I don't need it.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Happy 60th, I mean 59th Birthday Mom!
For a few weeks now I've been talking about going home for Father's Day/Mom's Birthday. They were on the same day this year. We usually don't make the trek home for this holiday, but this one was special. Mom was having a milestone birthday, 60. I talked with my brother and he was going home to. We talked about it being her 60th birthday. The day before we left to go home, he told me about this really cool hardcover book he got Mom about 1948 as I was headed to Factory Card Outlet to get her balloons and lots of fun 60th birthday stuff to make her day special. Heading home after purchasing all the stuff I had a major freak out moment, "Oh crap, is it really her 60th birthday?" I start to think to myself, Dad was born in 47 (I know this because it's part of yahoo id). Mom's two years younger than him, no wait one year. Oh CRAP! So I immediately call my bro who is already at our parent's house and ask him:
Me: Mom is turning 60, right?
Bro: Yeah, why?
Me: I had a freak out moment, all the sudden wondering is she?
Bro: Dad, how old is Mom going to be?
Dad: 59
Me: No, he's messing with us. right?
Bro: Nice job, sis. Great misinformation.
Me: Well, you never corrected me
Bro: You're the one that's supposed to be on top of this stuff.
Me: Oh Crap. Well at least we figured it out before we presented her with all this 60th Birthday stuff.
I'm officially the worst daughter in the world. I felt like a complete jackass. How could I screw something up that bad? It has nothing to do with her looking older than she is that's for sure. It has everything to do with my terrible sense of time. I was sure that dad's 60th was 2 years ago. I was convinced that my Bro or my Dad would rat me out for sure, so I figured I better fess up before they did. I called her that night to fess up and she laughed and preceeded to pick on me all weekend. Later, my brother says, "Why did you tell her? I wasn't going to say anything?"
At least it made her 59th birthday memorable.
Friday, June 13, 2008
He Got Game!
I love this play from last night. What you can't see is Ray Allen waving off Kevin Garnett when he tries to come over for the screen.That's one of the best parts of this possession. Ray says no thanks I got this!
From Yahoo Sports:
"Allen, one of the game’s purest shooters, then drove to the basket and made a reverse layup as dramatic as the Celtics’ comeback.“It was huge,” Boston coach Doc Rivers said. 'It was really supposed to be a middle pick-and-roll with Kevin and Ray, and Ray waved Kevin off because he liked the matchup that he had already, so he didn’t want to bring another defender in to help. It was a great call by Ray. The layup was just tremendous.'"
Oh poor Sasha. What's wrong? Face it you just got burnt.
I loved seeing Ray Allen so confident and aggressive, no doubt he could school Sasha one on one. He wasn't given up that ball for anything. He's the best free throw shooter in the history of the game. Lakers didn't want him going to the line and if anyone was going to the line in that possession Ray made sure it would be him. He didn't need to though apparently the Lakers thought Sasha could defend Ray one on one.
He Got Game!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Keep it or give it to the babies
A couple of days ago we went through another round of "keep it or give it the babies that need it?" toy purge with Riley. Her toys were starting to get out of control, I had just brought home another round of garage sale finds, and her birthday is coming up, so we decided now would be a good time. We have a small house and no playroom, so this is the only way we can keep things under control. Riley is great at this. She's able to decide whether or not she wants to keep the toy or give it away and she almost never changes her mind once she's decided. When going through her downstairs toys, she's also allowed to choose "take to my room", but knows that means something from her room has to go.
Me on the other hand, I'm terrible at this. Even though I'm the one enforcing the toy purge rule, x number in x number out, It's still painful for me. For one, I've always been a pack rat. I like to keep everything, but slowly Doug is digging me out of that hole. Two, I feel horrible when Riley chooses to give away a toy that a family member or friend has given her as a present. I always want to keep those. I just feel like they shouldn't be given away and I don't want to hurt someone's feelings by them knowing that we got rid of that toy they spent so much time picking out, and giving her. It's so much easier with clothing gifts, she just outgrows them and that's it, time to move on, but with toys it's different. Sure, she can outgrow them, but it's a much greyer line. I found myself struggling several times in this last purge because so many of the toys were gifts. I insisted we keep them even though Riley had made her choice and as many times as I continued to ask her about the same toy hoping she would change her mind, not once did she. I guess I just have to remind myself that even though its time for these toys to go, Riley LOVED playing with them and got much joy out of them during her time with them and hope that the friend or family member that gave them to her understands and thinks the same. However, I have found a way to circumvent my loss of the battle by suggesting that certain toys (ones I'm having problems letting go of ) should make the trek to Grandma and Papa's house along with a toy storage unit and wala Riley has a toy collections at their house to play with. This was unanimously agreed to by Daddy and Roo withouht much fight, so a few of the toys you see here will find a new home very soon much to the surprise of the homeowners, I'm sure. Sneaking one I am, aren't I?
UPDATE: PS- "Give to the babies that need them" really in all fairness means gather in a big bag and put in the basement until Doug insists I actually DO something with them. Remember I am a pack rat after all. Don't tell Riley! :)
I'm with you on this one Kobe
Asked if he was disappointed in Schilling’s comments, Bryant responded, “Go Yankees!” and pumped his fist, drawing laughter from reporters Wednesday."
Friday, June 6, 2008
What did my mom always say?
- Idle hands are Bad.
- I love very hot water in the shower.
- My favorite time of the day is when when I pick Roo up from school.
- The last tea I drank was none, don't drink it.
- I like to vacation in the Summer.
- My mother always said wait till your father gets home.
- And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to the new Adam Sandler movie at the drive-in, tomorrow my plans include garage saleing and poker and Sunday, I want to watch game 2 of the NBA finals!
I wish I remembered more pieces of wisdom from my mom. I'll have to start really thinking about that, I know there are some better ones.
Random Ipod 10:
- Smack That - Akon f./ Eminem
- Jesus Walks - Kayne West
- Hella Good - No Doubt
- Write You a Song - Plain White T's
- Sam's Town - The Killers
- Release - Timbaland F./ Justin Timberlake
- Waiting - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
- Far More - The Honorary Title
- Yeah Yeah - Cyndi Lauper
- Touch Me - Samantha Fox
Try it Left Handed
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Four Things about Alpha Dog
Like I said, I've seen this movie several times and I know the outcome and I know the story it's based on yet I still find myself everytime yelling at the TV for Frankie to just tell that kid to leave in the scene where they are watching Austin Powers. Frankie knows what's about to happening and he doesn't want to do it, he wants the kid to leave why or why doesn't he just force him to go or tell him what's about to go down?