Monday, July 28, 2008
Is that coming soon?
When it was over she whispers to me: "Is that coming soon?"
I said "yes, do you want to see it"
To which she whispered: "Yes I do"
Okay a three year old understanding that it was a trailer and wanting to know basically when the movie comes out. That just blows my mind.
In other news its rated Rated PG-13 for adventure action and violence, so I guess that means she won't be able to see it. Who knows what her friends in Preschool might be learning on the playground because she got watch this movie? I got into a "discussion" on the two peas message board about young children in pg-13 and R rated movies. Let's just say I was in the minority on this issue. After arguing that it was a parent's right to decide what their child can and can't see and a parent's right to bring their children to the movie theather anytime they want as long as the child behaves and is respectful of others, I decided to ask my Mom what she thought because I don't ever remember a time when I wasn't able to see a movie I wanted to see. She told me other than some R rated movies when I was very young, they never restricted what I saw. The key to what she told me though was that we ALWAYS watched the movies together. I think that's the main thing, watch with your kids so you can discuss, answer questions, and explain things.
So Riley, you obviously want to see this movie, You are WELL under the PG-13 rating for this movie, but guess what? We are so there on August 8th! (I don't even want to see it that much and didn't even know it was coming out, but how could I say no to those big eyes and all that ooh and ahhh during the trailer?)
Everyone say it with me
It will not rain on Saturday August 2nd until after Riley's party.
It will not rain on Saturday August 2nd until after Riley's party.
It will not rain on Saturday August 2nd until after Riley's party.
Stall Tactics
"I want to watch Dr. Who, Daddy."
What this means is I want to cuddle with Daddy while he watches Dr. Who and I get to stay up an hour later because that's how long the show is. This is the tactic that works most often for her, but what she hasn't realized yet is that Dr. Who is only on once a week and therefore only works once a week. That doesn't stop her from trying it the other 6 days of the week. What Riley doesn't know is that Daddy has freely admitted that if Dr. Who were on 7 days a week, it would absolutely work for her every single night.
She tried this last night, but it didn't work because it worked earlier in the week. I had to laugh as I had finally realized what she was doing. I had heard her say that to Daddy before, but didn't really put all the pieces together. I told Doug that I should really do a scrapbook page about this particular stale tactic because it is quite funny, and also is why I'm blogging about it now, so that when I get around to actually doing the scrapbook page, I will have remembered what I was thinking. (Note to self: get a photo of Riley and Daddy cuddling watching Dr. Who)
Doug tried to convince me that she just LOVES Dr. Who because it is an awesome show to which I fell off my chair in laughter.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
What Describes Me?
good listener, secretive, intellectual, secretive, good listener, trustworthy, mysterious, and creative.
I feel as though I am intellectual, trustworthy, and a good listener. I didn't think I had much of a creative side, but I'm finding out that I am more creative then I ever thought I was. I understand why secretive and mysterious showed up on my back. I have a hard time opening up to new people. When I first meet people I am very reserved and guarded of my feelings. It takes a little while for me to open up and even then I still don't always completely open myself up. I think I get it from my parents who are VERY private people. They don't like to talk about their business with anyone not even family really. It is something that I'd like to improve on. I'd like to be more open and less "secretive and mysterious".
I signed up for an online scrapbooking class called "Scrap Yourself" and to get prepared for the class the teacher asked us to think of 3-5 people and then 2 words that those people would use to describe you. Then which words you most agree with and which you least agree with. What I'd like to change, and what I'd embrace and take further.
When I came across this paper from my communications class it reminded me of this assignment from the scrapbooking class and although it doesn't fit completely, it works.
I wonder if I asked some of friends and family today what words they'd use to describe would I find words my classmates chose in the list?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Poker Birthday's are Fun!
I was processing the photos from Debbie's Redwings poker birthday night yesterday and realized that I was WAY behind on poker birthday photo processing, so I spent the evening process all the back birthday photos. Debbie's entire set here.
Then I did Chris's Super Mario Brother's party.
The I did Andy's Furbyland Fair party.
Full set here. This was from April 2008.
Then my Survivor birthday party.
Full set here. This was also April 2008.
I thought I was done, but as I was looking through my photos, I realized I never posted Doug's Thanksgiving birthday from September 2007. Full set here.
So now I think I'm completely caught up on ALL the past poker birthday nights. These were all some really fun times and I hope you enjoy looking at the photos. Our poker birthday nights are always alot of fun. As stressed out as I get, I always really enjoy planning, and pulling them off. I tell Debbie all the time that we'd make great party planners.
I'm really proud of the cake I made for Debbie's party. I thought it was going to be easy, but it was deceivingly hard. I'm very happy with the way it turned out and in fact, I was still eating as of last night. It's still nice and moist. I need to learn how to make cakes on a smaller scale though.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Soundtrack to my life brought to you by Ipod random shuffle
Create the soundtrack of your life - Set your iPod to random shuffle and fill in the blanks below as each song comes up. No cheating! It actually makes for a great play list -
Opening Credits: Fighter - Christina Aguilera
Waking up: To Be With You - Mr.Big
Falling in love: Give It To Me - Timberland
Fight song: Regulators - Warren G
Break up song: Why Do I Keep Coming? - The Killers
Making Up: Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake
Life's Okay: State of the Union - Rise Against
Mental Breakdown: Crash - Gwen Stefani
Driving: Warning(Intro) - Ludacris
Flashbacks: Teenager In Love - Ricky Nelson
Happy Dance: This One's for the Girls - Martina McBride
Regret: Drift Away - Uncle Kracker
Final Battle: Underneath it All - No Doubt
Death Scene: Our Time Now - Plain White T's
Final Credits: Pretty Vegas - INXS
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Who taught her that?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
My Favorite Things
I found this while browsing around some new blogs I found on two peas and it looked fun, so I did one for myself. It's a flickr mosaic about me. I used Big Huge Lab's Mosaic Maker to create the mosaic.
The photos answer the following questions:
1. What is your first name? Carin
2. What is your favorite food? Chicken Tenders (that's what people tell me anyway lol)
3. What high school did you go to? Richfield Springs School
4. What is your favorite color? Purple
5. Who is your celebrity crush? Justin Timberlake
6. Something you collect? postcards
7. Favorite dessert? Chocolate ice cream
8. Favorite flowers? Cala Lilly
9. What do you love most in life? my family
10. One Word to describe you. thoughtful (I asked Doug and that's what he said)
11. Dream vacation? Beach house in North Carolina
12. Your favorite holiday. Christmas!
Ok, you try now, and if you do let me know so I can check it out.
Watch out Ebert, there's a new critic in town
We went to see Hellboy2 at the drive-in last night. When it was over, I leaned over to Riley who watched the entire movie sitting on her daddy's lap and asked her, "What did you think? Did you like it? She said, "I liked Hancock better." Laughing, I said, "Me too honey, me too."
On the way to the bathroom between movies,Roo asked where Hancock was and I point to the screen playing it. She tells me her favorite part of Hancock was the lightning, and asked me what my favorite part was? Then she said she did like Hellboy and I said I liked it too. Then she said, "but I still like Hancock better."
Friday, July 11, 2008
Feeling Old School
2. Milk is the first thing I see when I open my refrigerator.
3. I never leave home without my purse.
4. If I were a condiment, I would be ketchup I guess because it was the first condiment that came to mind.
5. Smoking is really high up on my list of pet peeves.
6. The last thing I thought of before I went to bed was not something I should write about here, it had to do with JT and bringing Sexy Back LOL.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to the drive-in again if the rain lets up, tomorrow my plans include poker and Sunday, I want to be lazy, but we'll probably go to the fair and do some yardwork!
Random 10: (lots of old school stuff this week)
1. When I see you Smile - Bad English
2. OPP - Naughty By Nature
3. Ain't it Funny - J.Lo
4. Lady - Kenny Rogers
5. Diddy Rock - Diddy
6. Just Got Paid - Nsync
7. She's Crafty - Beastie Boys
8. Funky Cold Medina - Tone Loc
9. Superhero -Jane's Addiction (Man I miss Entourage!)
10. The Old Apartment - BNL
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Got Steam?
Blog post its based off
Now I need to find a better way to digitize my scrapbook pages. I should play around with photo stitching I guesss since my scanner won't scan an entire 12x12 layout. I'll add that to my list of things that don't get done. Hope you enjoy this page as much as I do.
This is what our IM conversations are like
Then right before we said goodnight:
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Damn, I love hockey!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Baboons @ the Zoo!
Roo and I went to the Seneca Park Zoo today to see the two new attractions, the Elephant splash pool and the Baboon exhibit. The baboons were really cool, they were getting fed a snack (oranges, apples, and grapes) while we were there. The zookeeper was throwing the fruit all over the place so the baboons were running all around chasing after the fruit. The exhibit has an outdoor viewing area through fence and then a small covered area that is glass which the baboons can walk right up to the glass and you can stand right at the glass. It very cool. We watched a baby baboon find a grape which must be a favorite of the older dominant baboon because the baby was hiding behind a tree eating the grape so the older one wouldn't see him. Then all the sudden the older one noticed and chased him across the pen, and then walked back towards us eating the grape.
The elephant splash pool viewing area is also really cool. You get an unobstructed view of the elephants, no wires or fences in the way and you are so close to the splash pool that the elephants could splash you if they wanted. Unfortunately they didn't wander over to the water while we there. On this trip I was also finally able to get a great photo of the Meerkats who arrived last fall.
Riley had a great time too. She was all excited to take her Curious George stuffed animal to the zoo, it was his first trip. She said his favorite animal was the alligator. She waded around in the water and was very excited to get a purple monkey souvenir cup filled with apple juice. Three of her favorite things: purple, monkeys, and apple juice all in one!I really enjoy the zoo, they are making some great improvements to it. I can't wait for the Lion habitat which breaks ground next year. I renewed my membership today so we'll be spending many more fun afternoons checking out the animals.