Another one of those Google image search Meme's. I like doing these because image surfing on google if fun and I like posting photos on my blog. I got this one from a
scrapbooking blog I read.
The rules:
a) Answer the question below, do a
Google Image search with your answer, take a picture from the 1st page of results, do it with minimal words of explanation; and
b) Tag 5 people to do the same once you’ve finished answering every question. Just like where I got it from I won't be tagging anyone to do it, but feel free to join in the fun.
When I do these I always go with the first thing that pops in my mind, I don't put a ton of thought into them, so here it goes:
The age you will be on your next birthday.
Place you want to travel to
Always wanted to vacation at the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas. It looks fun.
Your favorite place
Favorite place was actually very hard for me to pick. Nothing came to mind right away, so I actually had to think about this one which is something I don't like to do with this. I like to just got with the first thing that pops into my head. I ended up searching for ocean. I love the water, so any place on the water big or small is perfect for me.
Your favorite food

Or so everyone tells me. :) I've decided to accept it. I do order them ALOT.
Your favorite pet.
So cool that this photo showed up on the first page of the image search for Nyssa since she was actually named after a vampire from Blade 2. We were watching the movie and after we both said, "Wouldn't Nyssa be a cool name for a dog?"
Favorite color combination
Guess this comes from my days at CSH.
Favorite piece of clothing
Can't go wrong with a good pair of jeans.
Your all time favorite song
Asking me to pick an all time favorite song, so not fair.
Favorite T.V. Show
Asking me to pick a favorite TV show, even more not fair than picking my favorite song. I love so many shows, new and old, picking one is just too hard, so I went with one that I'm most excited about at this very moment.
First name of your significant other/crush

I went with crush on this one. Later on it asks about your husband, so why have 2 of the same answers. Besides, I like working Justin into these. :)
Which town do you live in?

Your screename/nickname

Searched on a couple different ones, but ended up with carinh since I was surprised to see so many of my own photos show up. This was my livejournal avatar.
Your first job

Yes, I was a maid. Can you believe it? I hated it. I HATE cleaning. When I was 15 I worked as a maid for an eight room motel in my hometown. Doug thinks it scarred me and is why I hate cleaning now.
Your dream job
This changes all the time, and I'm not even sure I'd really love doing this as my job. Sometimes when your hobby is you job it ruins it.
One bad habit that you have

Worst fear

I couldn't even look through all the images. I had to go with the first one. Cringing just looking at it. I can deal with one or two of these at a time, but a whole mess of them together. YUCK!
Things You’d Like to do Before You Die

Cross country road trip.
The first thing you will buy if you get $1,000,000

If I had a million dollars, month long Hawaiian vacation here I come.
Your husband/wife

What present would you like for your next birthday

I saw Miley Cyrus playing Living on a Prayer on Rock Band 2 during the VMA's. Now that's a song I could really get into. Not sure I want those drums in my living room though. Too many toys in there already.