Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Photo!

This was fun. Couldn't go to the inauguration, Just go to, powered by online photo editing software provider FotoFlexer, and pretend you were there, right behind the new president of the United States as he was sworn in.

Can you see me?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Haven't done one in a while

Friday Fill-in

1. Enough with the iPhones.

2. iPhone causes me to be conflicted.

3. I've been craving iPhone.

4. iPhone makes me laugh.

5. I wish I could go to the store and buy an iPhone next week.

6. iPhone has been on my mind lately.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to poker where everyone has an iPhone but me, tomorrow my plans include RIT hockey where everyone has an iPhone but me and Sunday, I want to go ice skating where everyone has an iPhone but me!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ice Skating

Riley finished her first Ice Skating lessons today. She's starting again in a few weeks. Debbie skated with us today. We didn't know she was coming, so we were surprised. Riley was excited to show off her new skates and what she's learned in skating so far.




Rest of the set here.

In other weekend news, we had poker and everyone had fun trying to solve the puzzles I got Doug for Christmas and Riley and I had fun playing the new game she got from the Gotobeds!



Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

We had a very relaxing New Years Day. We watched the Redwings defeat the Blackhawks 6-3 in the NHL Winter Classic and Riley played hockey in our living room during and after the game. She warmed up to Let it Rock by Kevin Rudolf just like the RIT Tigers do and then she rocked back and forth during the Star Spangled Banner, and then she made 3 goals in 3 pretend periods. In between each period, I drove the Zamboni. After the game, I interviewed her and every answer was "good", then she took a pretend shower because she smelled like hockey stink, then a crazy fan (me) asked her for an autograph and a had my photo taken with her. Then we started all over again. Good times!

These photos didn't come out that great though, apparently there was a huge fingerprint smudge on the camera lens. Oh well, they are cute anyway.

