Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Apollo wasn't a dancer?

I wanted Joey to win last night, but I too knew in my heart it would be Apollo. It still didn't stop me from yelling at the TV and chanting Joey, Joey, Joey waiting for them to announce the winner. It also didn't stop me from complaining that Joey should have won. The best was Doug though. he said, "Come on, Apollo was going to win all along, He's way better. You can't even tell he ISN'T a dancer" This coming from the guy who says he doesn't like the show, but I saw him peaking from behind his laptop last night :) I'm glad it came down to Apollo and Joey though. I would have seriously been disappointed to see Laila in the final 2. I'm okay with Apollo winning, he was really good and I did say a few weeks ago it would be hard to beat him. His freestyle Monday night sealed it for him I think. That was seriously the best routine of the entire season.
Can we take a moment to acknowledge how insanely better Ian is then any of the other dancers that were eliminated? Watching them dance again last night and damn they are aweful! Not IAN though he killed it.
If Joey, Ian, and Maks are on the Dancing with the Stars tour, I think it would be enough to get me to buy a ticket. Anyone else in?

Check out this photo of Maks from the Pirates Premiere the other night. Holy Good God that man is beautiful.

Photo from Flickr

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