Friday, February 8, 2008

What gets me by

I was reading one of my scrapbooking message boards and I came across a thread that really made me stop and think.

"What gets you through the day..week...month? We all have things we enjoy. Just curious as to what everyone needs to keep things rolling."

Here's what I came up with. The things that get me through are (In no particular order, just what came to me):

- Playing and laughing with my daughter
- Watching my favorite TV shows and movies (I'm somewhat of a pop culture junkie) Even more so watching them WITH my hubbie.
- Music definitely, especially when I'm at work. My Itouch gets me through the day.
- Guitar Hero 3
- My comfy clothes: The clothes I only wear around the house.
- The 5 or 10 minute calls I get from my brother to discuss some tidbit of sports or music information. I really look forward to those calls.
- Friday poker nights
- My dog: spending just a few minutes with her and all the stress just melts away.
- Knowing my Mom and Dad are just a phone call away.
- photography and scrapbooking
- My computer: it keeps me in touch with my long distance friends and family and keeps me always learning.

I feel a layout brewing....

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