Last week Andy sent me this email link from Deadspin.
"One in four stories about the Olympics has been about Michael Phelps. Frankly, we can't fathom what the other 75% of stories might be about. Reporters eating seahorses on sticks, we guess."
And said, "Much like your GReader posts... :)"
I laughed. Today I noticed there were ALOT of Michael Phelps blog posts and I realized as I kept hitting share that Damn, Andy's right I share alot of Phelps stuff.
Okay, so I'm alittle obsessed with Michael Phelps right now. I actually had to stop myself from hitting the share button a few times today because I realized maybe everyone else isn't quite as obsessed as I am. This doesn't mean I'm going to stop though, oh god no. That would be tragic.
Things are slow on the Justin Timberlake front these days, he's really not doing much but buying furniture with Jessica. Justin will always be my number one, heck he has his own category of posts on this blog, but I need something to obsess about during the JT lull and why not Phelps. He's got a lot going on right now: VMA presenter, SNL host, Entourage guest spot.
You have to admit he's a pretty freakin kick ass athlete and I can't stop wondering what those abs feel like in real life and just what he's barely hiding and teasing me with underneath those Speedo swim pants and board shorts.
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