It's no surpise to anyone that Doug has quite a potty mouth. He just can't seem to control his swearing around Riley. It really annoys him, but whenever he says a bad word, I immediately say "LANGUAGE!" to remind him to be careful what he says around her. She is at the age now where she picks up easily on words and is able to reuse. Luckily, I haven't heard her say any really bad words and there have been no reports from her school of such language and I'd like to think it's because I've made it very clear that these words are bad words and shouldn't be said. Doug thinks that I shouldn't make such a big deal about the swear words and if I don't call them out she won't even notice them. I strongly disagree, I think that if I don't call them out as unacceptable words that she will think they are okay and just start using them.
While playing Mario Kart on Sunday:
Daddy: "F*@!"
Riley: "Daddy, Language!"
I almost fell off the chair in laughter. To say Doug was annoyed would be an understatement. Now he gets it from both of us. Unfortunately, I am not immune to this. Making lunch this morning, I was having a hard time opening a jar of dip.
Mommy: "Shit, I can't get this jar open! What the hell!"
Riley: "Language Mommy!"
Mommy: "I know sorry."
But now she's taken it to a whole new level. I also said things like:
Mommy: "I can't get this jar open. How annoying?"
Riley: "Is that a bad word?"
Mommy: "no annoying is not a bad word"
Mommy: "Crap why won't this open" "What the heck?"
Riley: "Is that a bad word?"
Mommy: "No crap and heck are not bad words"
I started to get annoyed that she kept asking if words were bad just so she could say language mommy, so I proceeded to explain to her what words were bad which I'm not sure was the best idea.
Mommy: "Riley, the bad words are F!@#, Shit, Bitch, Hell" (These are the words that are most commonly said around her, so I just used those as examples. No need to introduce ones she's never heard at this point)
Riley: "oh"
Mommy: "Daddy says those alot huh?"
Riley: "yeah"
Mommy: "They are bad words and we shouldn't say them especially outside of the house"
Riley: "You forgot F@#! (mommy trying to ignore what Riley just said) Mommy, You forgot F@!#"
Mommy: "Yes that's a bad word too. Don't say it just say Gosh instead okay"
Riley: "Ok, Gosh"