- Went to Jimmy Fallon at RIT on Saturday night. He was hillarious. Our tickets were printed with the wrong start time, but it worked out to our advantage. The four of us were there very early and we ended up with second row center seats for the show. I just wish I was more prepared to hide my camera. I didn't think cameras would be a big deal, so I didn't make much effort to hide it. I ended up not bringing it in. Luckily, Deb's friend was able to bring hers in. I'm dying to see the photos and videos from the show. The minute Fallon walked out on stage, I immediately had this feeling come over me which reminded me why he was in my top 5 for so long. He's been off my top 5 for sometime, but seeing him live reminded me why he was there. He's awesome! Love the RIT hoodie! Photo from Rochester Metro Mix

- Andy took Riley to a haunted hayride which she loved! As soon as she woke up on Sunday she started telling me all about it. She ended her story with, "I like Andy. (pause) he doesn't have any hair on his head" :)
- We had planned to go pumpkin picking yesterday, but it was 80 degrees outside. Pumpkin picking is supposed to be a fall thing with cooler weather, so we decided to hold off until next Sunday when its supposed to be 57 and sunny. Seems more like fall to us. So instead we just hung out at home, resisting turning on the air conditioning for as long as possible. We did end up turning it on for a few hours. We played Mario Kart and were trying to figure out how to unlock content with no luck.
- I somehow got motivated on Sunday to sort through my clothes, organize my closet and get all my clothes off the floor in our bedroom. I packed up 4 bags of clothes to give away. I came to a couple realizations during this process. 1. Doug's clothes take up 3/4th of the floor space in our bedroom. Now that my clothes are cleaned up you can see the rug in a small square near the bedroom door.
- 2. I have a WAY better maternity clothes wardrobe than I do regular wardrobe. If I were pregnant right now I'd had way more clothes to wear and more stuff that I actually liked. I have a pretty crappy, small regular wardrobe. I need to work on that :)
- While cleaning up my clothes I found $20 which we immediately turned around and used to get Macaroni Grill take out that night. Basically free money, not counted in our budget.
- I also found several scrapbooking sticker purchases that I had forgotten about and 4 concert ticket stubs (INXS Foxwoods, Justin Timberlake Buffalo and New Hampshire, and Fall out Boy Rochester)
- I ended up with one bag full of old Riley clothes that somehow found their way into our room.
- Now if I can only get Doug to organize and purge his clothing.
- Riley had her second swim class this weekend. She loved it. The first day she was super scared and I didn't she'd get in the water. This time she jumped right in and was kicking and playing around.
- Love that according to Riley, "Mommy's Ipod is better than Andy's"
- Wishing it wasn't Monday.
- Looking forward to RIT hockey starting this weekend.
1 comment:
In my defense:
1. She's correct, I have no hair.
1. My iPod wasn't prepared to take requests. I will keep current on the musical stylings of Riley in the future.
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